“Leaning Into The Light – Rediscovering Meaning, Purpose And Passion”

Fr Hugh Lagan, SMA, opened our Autumn Programme with an interactive workshop called

“Leaning into the light – rediscovering meaning, purpose and passion”




  • “Becoming” is a life long journey;
  • When we reach a certain age or level of understanding, our old “maps” no longer work;
  • These maps need to be replaced by our own inner compasses;
  • A sense of gratitude can provide power and awareness;
  • Consider “what if I already am enough?”
  • If we notice we are “languishing”, and there is an absence of joy and meaning, we can drift
  • without direction
  • We need to surrender to what we have outgrown to make room for something new
  • We can’t always be in control;
  • Embracing vulnerability is at the heart of transformation;
  • Reflect on the following:
  • In one word, what do I live for?
  • What do I look forward to each day?
  • What do I know for sure?
  • When you know your “why”, your “what” will follow so ask yourself:
  • What is my source/flame/why?

There was a sense of aliveness and curiosity among the attendees and all agreed the day was most enjoyable and informative.