A Climate Conversation

Jacinta Barrins shared her presentation on a Climate Conversation


Examples of a Specific action to reduce the production of greenhouse gas emission ( GHGs) include:


  1. Turn down home heating temperatures in the kitchen and sitting room to 19 C and bedrooms to 18 C
  2. With central heating systems use zone controls where necessary and fit thermostatic radiator valves to all radiators.
  3. Have your boiler serviced annually to ensure safe, trouble-free and efficient operation.
  4. Bleed your radiators
  5. Install insulation in the attic and or walls, and/or dry line internal walls,  between now and 1st June using  SEAI  recommended suppliers ( ensure to get 3 quotes and use each supplier to educated yourself on insulation types available on the market)
  6. Put a timer on your immersion.
  7. Lagging jacket on the hot water tank and your attic tank.
  8. Turn off all appliances when not in use ( Computer, TV, DVD )
  9. Turn down temp of washing machine cycle from 40 C to 30 or 20C X times a week
  10. Use tumble dryer once/? a week instead of twice /? a week
  11. Replace  all house lights with led lights
  12. Reduce  electric shower time from 25?  minutes to 15? minutes once a week
  13. Batch cook once a week to ensure full use of the oven and reduce  energy use.
  14. Others that have  the potential ( preparation actions) to later reduce  GHGs: Consider moving to using a smart meter if not already. Consider going on a day and night rate with supplier if not already. Consider washing  clothes  and other high energy actions during night rate. Borrow a home energy kit from the library and use it to understand  some of your energy appliances use and losses ; conduct a BER  rating exercise of your house to understand energy losses; research using the  SEAI one stop shop  what is required to install a solar system.


  1. Take  a bus instead of the car  once/twice  a week to do ? ( ? km)
  2. Take a train instead of  the car once/twice a week to ( ? km)
  3. Walk/cycle  (? Km) instead of car once twice a week


  1. Reduce  red meat intake by 1 kg a week
  2. Research and cook a meat alternative for your specific nutritional needs
  3. Grow vegetables ?? to meet some of my nutritional needs


  1. Reduce my food waste by 2 kg a week
  2. Choose one area to reduce my plastic consumption



Jacinta Barrins