Mindful Meditation

Past Events
Brother Richard Hendrick – Mindful Meditation
Brother Richard returned to Croi Nua on Saturday, November 11th, for another insightful and thought-provoking presentation focused on Christian meditation and mindfulness, which was interspersed with some guided meditation practices and lots of entertaining stories.
In this uncertain world, we are all seeking a sense of inner peace and security, which is so fleeting if we look for it outside of ourselves. Brother Richard guided us along a pathway showing us firstly why the practice of Christian meditation is so fulfilling and then directing us in the how of meditation. This slowing down to become aware of our own inner wisdom and calling can be as simple as walking mindfully in nature or dedicating 10 minutes daily to a sitting meditative practice.
As we become aware of the benefits associated with mindful meditation, our practice will flow into our daily living and behaviours. We will become more self-aware and more compassionate and caring towards our fellow humans.
Our hope is that everybody in attendance gained clarity and wisdom from the presentation and a desire to hear more from this very wise speaker.